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What Is The Sandra Bland Act?

What Is The Sandra Bland Act?

Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old African-American woman who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas, on July 13, 2015.

The Sandra Bland Act, also known as the Sandra Bland Act for Racial Justice, is a law passed in the state of Texas in 2017. It was named in honor of Sandra Bland, a black woman who died while in police custody in Waller County, Texas, in 2015.

The bill is not without criticism. When the legislation was passed, Bland’s family was vocal in what they saw as lapses in the bill, which was christened Senate Bill 1849.

"It's a complete oversight of the root causes of why she was jailed in the first place," Sharon Cooper, Bland's sister and family spokeswoman, told The Texas Tribune. “"Finish the stop, and send the young woman on her way," she said. "Don't prolong the stop because you're not satisfied with what she's saying."

The Sandra Bland Act aims to address issues related to racial profiling, police accountability, and mental health awareness. It includes provisions that:

Require de-escalation training: The law mandates that law enforcement officers receive training on de-escalation techniques to reduce the use of force and improve interactions with the public.

Enhance officer training on mental health issues: It requires officers to receive training on de-escalation techniques specifically related to interacting with individuals who have mental health or intellectual disabilities.

Improve jail safety and mental health care: The act encourages better jail safety standards and mandates that county jails divert individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues to appropriate treatment facilities instead of incarceration.

Require officer accountability and reporting: The law mandates that law enforcement agencies document and analyze data on traffic stops, searches, and other interactions to identify racial disparities and improve transparency.

Support for officer well-being: The act establishes a grant program to support mental health and counseling services for law enforcement officers to address the high-stress nature of their work.

Overall, the Sandra Bland Act aims to address racial disparities in policing, improve officer training on mental health issues, and enhance the safety and well-being of both law enforcement officers and individuals in custody. It was enacted in response to Sandra Bland's tragic death and the subsequent national dialogue on police practices, accountability, and racial justice.

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